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11 hrs ago·edited 7 hrs ago

As you note, it's important to distinguish between code size and data size. In 2003 I posted an article to comp.arch (now contained in https://jlforrest.wordpress.com/2017/03/06/the-forrest-conjecture/) that attempts to point out that even 32 bits is plenty now for code, while something larger than 32 bits is required for data. It wouldn't make sense to have a processor with different data and code sizes, so today's 64 bit code and data processors are a very good workaround.

As I mention in my paper, it's hard to imagine how long this will remain true, as long as programs are written by humans. I have no idea how long it will take for programs to be written by some kind of AI, and what the necessary processor model will have to be then.

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